Now showing items 1-10 of 230
Investigating Wagner’s law in Iran’s economy
The aim of this paper is investigating Wagner’s law by using Iran’s time series data of period the 1960 -
2000. Carrying out the Engel-Granger cointegration test showed that GNP, government expenditure and
government ...
On the definition of a confounder
Study of Causal Relationship among Product Cost, Infield and Price of Cotton in Iran’s Agriculture (1996-2012)
considerable growth. Hence, this
paper has studied causal relationship among the price, infield and product cost of
cotton in Iran’s agriculture through 1996-2012. For causal relationship have been used
Granger, Toda and Yamamoto tests...
When the bispectrum is real valued
Factor double autoregressive models with application to simultaneous causality testing
Quantifying causal influences
Targeted smoothing parameter selection for estimating average causal effects
is of particular importance. Explaining this relationship helps country`s power policies substantially. Thus, it is tried in this article to examine the relationship between power consumption and economic growth in Iran during 1966-2010 using Granger causality...
House Prices,Economic Output and Inflation Interactions in Iran
Many economic theories indicate that house price changes should have real effect on the
economy and vice versa. This study investigates the existence of causality among house
prices, economic growth, and inflation in Iran using...
Causality Between Financial Development and Economic Growth in Iran
In this study the causality relation between the financial development and the economical growth in Iran is studied using time series data of 1961-2004 in order to study of present or absent long run relationship between financial development...