Now showing items 1-10 of 13
Analysis and design of a new fountain codec under belief propagation
Publisher: IET
Year: 2014
Generation and control of wide-range microwave chaotic signals TWT-generator
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
Triggering Trojans in SRAM circuits with X-propagation
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
New parallel R-L impedance using single VDTA & its high pass filter application
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
Power reserve distribution using cooperative game theory
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
Performance of malware detection tools: A comparison
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
Model predictive control of three phase voltage source converters with an LCL filter
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
Optimal Object Association in the Dempster–Shafer Framework
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
Experimental analysis of CCA threshold self-adjusting method for EWM dissemination
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
Current distribution in crimped connections
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014