Now showing items 1-10 of 52
Electricity price forecasting using a new data fusion algorithm
Accurate price forecasting is crucial for all market participants in electricity markets. This study presents a hybrid price forecasting framework based on a new data fusion algorithm. Owing to the complexity and distinct ...
Hybrid Control of DC–DC Series Resonant Converters: The Direct Piecewise Affine Approach
The Control and stabilization of resonant converters are essential problem in power electronics. The conventional controller design and stability analysis for the converters are based on the linearized average model. ...
Multidimentional Dynamic modeling of Milk Ultrafiltration Using Neuro-Fuzzy Method and a Hybrid physical Model
Prediction of the dynamic crossflow ultrafiltration rate of a protein solution such as milk poses a complex non-linear problem as the filtration rate has a strong dependence on both the solution physicochemical conditions ...
Hybrid Modeling of a DC-DC Series Resonant Converter: Direct Piecewise Affine Approach
A dc-dc resonant converter has the advantage of overcoming switching losses and electromagnetic interference which are the main limitations of high frequency power converters. Nevertheless, the modeling and stability ...
Summary Based Static Analysis for Practical Search for Defects in C Programs and Libraries
Application of Optimized Artificial and Radial Basis Neural Networks by Using Modified Genetic Algorithm on Discharge Coefficient Prediction of Modified Labyrinth Side Weir with two and four cycles
Determining the discharge coefficient is one of the most important processes in designing side weirs. In this study, the structure of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Radial Basis Neural Network (RBNN) methods are ...