Now showing items 1-10 of 18
A test of goodness of fit for Rayleigh distribution via cumulative residual entropy
A test of goodness of fit for Rayleigh distribution via cumulative residual entropy...
Discrete dynamic cumulative residual entropy
The concepts of cumulative residual entropy (CRE) and dynamic
cumulative residual entropy (DCRE) were defined first in the continuous case
by Rao et al. (2004), Rao (2005) and Asadi and Zohrevand (2007). In this
paper, we define and s...
Generalized cumulative residual entropy and record values
Bivariate extension of dynamic cumulative residual entropy
Exponentiality test based on the progressive type II censoring via cumulative entropy
In this paper, we use cumulative residual Kullback-Leibler information (CRKL) and cumulative Kullback-Leibler information (CKL) to construct two goodness-offit test statisttics for testing exponentiality with progressively ...
Some Results on Dynamic Generalized Survival Entropy
Recently, Zografos and Nadarajah (2005) proposed two measures of uncertainty based
on the survival function, called the survival exponential entropy and the generalized
survival exponential entropy. In this ...
Dynamic Version of Weighted Cumulative Residual Entropy
Some extensions of Shannon entropy to the survival function have been recently proposed. Misagh et al. (2011) introduced weighted cumulative residual entropy (WCRE) that was studied more by
Mirali et al. (2015). In this paper, dynamic...
Some Results on Weighted Cumulative Entropy
Considering Rao et al. (2004) and Di Crescenzo and Longobardi (2009) studies,
Misagh et al. (2011) proposed a weighted information which is based on the cumulative
entropy called Weighted Cumulative Entropy ...
Characterizations Based on Cumulative Residual Entropy of First- Order Statistics
Two different distributions may have equal cumulative residual entropy (CRE), thus
a distribution cannot be determined by its CRE. In this article, we explore properties
of the CRE and study conditions under which the CRE of the first...
A Cumulative Residual Entropy Characterization of the Rayleigh Distribution and Related Goodness-of-Fit Test
Rayleigh distribution is widely used for life-time modeling and is
important in electro vacuum devices and communication engineering. Rao et
al. (2004) suggested the Cumulative Residual Entropy (CRE), which is the...