Now showing items 1-10 of 12
Variability in the width of the tropics and the annular modes
Publisher: Wiley
Year: 2013
The role of synoptic eddies in the tropospheric response to stratospheric variability
Publisher: Wiley
Year: 2013
The dependence of transient climate sensitivity and radiative feedbacks on the spatial pattern of ocean heat uptake
Publisher: American Geophysical Union
Year: 2014
Interpreting the upper level structure of the Madden Julian oscillation
Publisher: American Geophysical Union
Year: 2014
Minimalist model of ice microphysics in mixed phase stratiform clouds
Publisher: Wiley
Year: 2013
Robust increase in equilibrium climate sensitivity under global warming
Publisher: Wiley
Year: 2013
Microphysical consequences of the spatial distribution of ice nucleation in mixed phase stratiform clouds
Publisher: American Geophysical Union
Year: 2014
Spontaneous QBO like oscillations in an atmospheric model dynamical core
Publisher: Wiley
Year: 2013
Effects of monsoon trough interannual variation on tropical cyclogenesis over the western North Pacific
Publisher: American Geophysical Union
Year: 2014
Impact of the sea surface temperature rise on storm track clouds in global nonhydrostatic aqua planet simulations
Publisher: American Geophysical Union
Year: 2014