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contributor authorChen, Weifeng
contributor authorZhang, Guofeng
contributor authorXiang, Xiaojun
contributor authorJia, Jiaya
contributor authorBao, Hujun
date accessioned2020-03-12T23:02:12Z
date available2020-03-12T23:02:12Z
date issued2014
identifier other7035842.pdf
identifier uri
titleHigh-Quality Depth Recovery via Interactive Multi-view Stereo
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8246292
subject keywordsNetwork topology
subject keywordsn Nominations and elections
subject keywordsn Protocols
subject keywordsn Redundancy
subject keywordsn Sensors
subject keywordsn Topology
subject keywordsn Wireless sensor networks
subject keywordsn Topology control
subject keywordsn connectivity
subject keywordsn energy conservation
subject keywordsn node redundancy
subject keywordsn sleep-scheduling
identifier doi10.1109/ICT-DM.2014.6918585
journal titleD Vision (3DV), 2014 2nd International Conference on

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