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contributor authorYoshikawa, Koya
contributor authorKitagawa, Wataru
contributor authorTakeshita, Takaharu
contributor authorMasuda, Akihiro
contributor authorNakashima, Masahiro
contributor authorNakatani, Akiko
contributor authorNakatani, Hidenori
date accessioned2020-03-12T21:50:01Z
date available2020-03-12T21:50:01Z
date issued2014
identifier other6960313.pdf
identifier uri
titleDesign and characteristic analysis for new structure of bone conduction speaker
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8193996
subject keywordsinformation dissemination
subject keywordsn medical computing
subject keywordsn multi-agent systems
subject keywordsn paediatrics
subject keywordsn seats
subject keywordsn smart phones
subject keywordsn software agents
subject keywordsn INGENIAS methodology
subject keywordsn baby car seats
subject keywordsn child safety seat
subject keywordsn heatstroke
subject keywordsn hot vehicles
subject keywordsn information dissemination
subject keywordsn intelligent agent
subject keywordsn multiagent architecture
subject keywordsn multiagent system
subject keywordsn safety threat
subject keywordsn smartphone
subject keywordsn young children
subject keywordsn Heating
subject keywordsn Monitoring
subject keywordsn Multi-agent systems
subject keywordsn Pediatrics
subject keywordsn Temperature measurem
identifier doi10.1109/CSCI.2014.129
journal titlelectrical Machines (ICEM), 2014 International Conference on

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