نمایش تعداد 1-10 از 96
Generalized conjugate graph
سال: 2015
A Note on Growth Sequences of PSL (m,q)
سال: 2005
Let G be a finite non-abelian simple group and d(G) the minimum number of generators of G. Then, h(2,G) is the maximum number n such that d(Gn) = 2, where Gn is the external direct products of n copies of ...
On the growth sequences of the free products of some copies of PSL(n,q
سال: 2008
Let $G$ be a finitely generated group and $G^n$ be the direct
product of $n$ copies of $G$. The growth sequence of $G$ is the
sequence $\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\{d(G^n)\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\}_{n \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\geq1}$, where ...
Probability of the mutually commuting n-tuples in some classes of compact groups
سال: 2008
Following [1] and [5], if Gis a finite group, the probability
that two randomly chosen elements of Gcommute is defined to becom(G)/|G|^2, where com(G) is the number of pairs
(x,y)in G times G$ with xy=yx For ...