Now showing items 1-10 of 15
The Flotation by Selected Depressants as an Efficient Technique for Separation of a Mixed Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene, Polycarbonate and Polyoxymethyleneplastics in Waste Streams
-Expert® statistical software was used to predict plastic floatation value using plastic conditioning time with depressant , flotation tank temperature and pH and depressants concentration as input data. It revealed that the floatation technique was effective...
Visualized study on the interaction between single bubbles and curved solid surface in flotation separation process
Optimization of dissolved air flotation technique in harvesting microalgae from treated wastewater without flocculants addition
Harvesting is a crucial step in biofuel production from microalgae. The expense of harvesting operation is estimated to be 20%–30% of the total biofuels production cost. Dissolved air flotation (DAF) is a well known technology for separating solid...
Separation of polyvinylchloride (PVC), polystyrene (PS) and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) granules using various chemical agents by flotation technique
, conditioning temperature and time and liquid media pH, were studied and the results were discussed. It revealed that in most experiments, the PET sustained the least flotation change for studied chemical agents and was sunk at the bottom of the flotation tank...
Flotation separation and electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometric determination of thallium in wastewater samples
cement plant and subjected to a simple treatment, such as adjusting pH and masking the interfering ions, to prepare for the flotation process in which the thallium(I) content was floated as an ion-association complex using iodide and Rhodamine B...
Intensification of flotation treatment by exposure to vibration.
Low life jacket use among adult recreational boaters: A qualitative study of risk perception and behavior factors
Image Analysis Technique as a Tool for Extracting Features from the Copper Surface Froth in the Flotation Process
The froth can be adopted as an indicator of the performance of flotation processes. The study of froth image structure would enable us to establish a number of parameters from which could convey the froth characteristics. To monitor the operating...