Now showing items 1-10 of 237
Fuzzy Relevance Feedback in the Semantic Image Retrieval
Repository, we accumulate
user interactions using a soft feedback model to construct Fuzzy Transaction
Repository (FTR). The repository remembers the user’s intent
and, therefore, in terms of the semantic meanings, provides a better...
SOLE-R: A Semantic and Linguistic Approach for Book Recommendations
Pedestrian Detection in Low-Resolution Imagery by Learning Multi-scale Intrinsic Motion Structures (MIMS)
Experimental research on water retention and gas permeability of compacted bentonite/sand mixtures
Identification of Ligustrum seedlings based on sequence analysis of an internal transcribed spacer
ACO-based media content adaptation for e-learning environments
Paleozoic-aged microbial methane in an Ordovician shale and carbonate aquiclude of the Michigan Basin, southwestern Ontario
a deep geological repository for low and intermediate level nuclear waste is proposed. The solute concentrations and stable isotopes of water (δ18O and δD) indicate that this aquiclude hosts saline brine (39% TDS), originating as evaporated seawater...
A Short Term and Long Term Learning Based on Fuzzy Transaction Repository and Feature Re-Weighting
A Short Term and Long Term Learning Based on Fuzzy Transaction Repository and Feature Re-Weighting...
Learning of Relevance Feedback Using a Novel Kernel Based Neural Network
learning, the system integrates the log information of
user feedback using a fuzzy feedback model to construct fuzzy repository. The repository remembers
the user’s intent and therefore, provides a better representation of each image...
A Semantic Feedback Framework for Image Retrival
this determination is
difficult for rich images in semantic. In the proposed system, we
accumulate user interactions using a soft feedback model to
construct Fuzzy Transaction Repository (FTR). The repository
remembers the user’s intent...