Now showing items 1-10 of 310
Comparing factor structure of research motivation in PhD and M.A students
Aim: The aim of this research, comparing factorial structure of research motivation in PhD and M.A. students was. Method: used method in this research was descriptive and a test making. For doing this, a sample (n= 280) from PhD and M.A. students...
Motivational structure and its importance in emotional regulation have been well-established. An individual's motivational structure comprises more or less stable habits, evaluations and feelings about how to achieve life goals. Motivational...
Does Mood Induction Alter Motivational Structure?
Motivational structure affects the way people approach various situations they encounter in their everyday lives. Adaptive motivational structure promotes successful goal attainment, whereas maladaptive motivation hinders people from effective goal...
Unveiling the Passive Aspect of Motivation: Insights from English Language Teachers’ Habitus
Digging into the history of motivation research, we deduced that, the investigations have targeted individuals’ performance as the overt indication of this invisible drive. Yet, it is hypothesized that there exists a variation of motivation which...
The relationship between motivational structure, sense of control, intrinsic motivation and university students alcohol consumption
The aim of this study was to determine how sense of control and intrinsic motivation are related to university students motivational structure and alcohol consumption. Participants were 94 university students who completed...
The motivation of dairy cows for access to pasture
The Relationship between motivation to teach and teaching method of Physical educators
' ability, the topic of the lesson, educational goals and contextual conditions. Therefore, all communities need experienced, talented and motivated teachers so that they can educate their youth in a modern education system and prepare them to realize...