Now showing items 1-10 of 1181
Developing a conceptual framework for integrating risk management in the innovation project
Risk has always been intrinsic in innovation but increased competition, quickly changing customer expectations and technologies have increased complexity and uncertainty about the outcomes. Various studies have identified a low success rate in major...
Managing Risk in the Innovation Project
such as innovation. Some risk management could be valuable, but perhaps too much, or inappropriate risk management might stifle innovation. It is necessary and valuable to consider the process of innovation from conceptualization to commercialization, how...
Minimum jerk swing control allows variable cadence in powered transfemoral prostheses
A novel optimized parallelization strategy to accelerate microwave tomography for breast cancer screening
Rolling bearing fault diagnosis based on wavelet energy spectrum, PCA and PNN
The role of implicit and explicit knowledge sharing in improving financial and executive performance: mediating role of innovation speed and quality
This study tended to investigate the effect of implicit and explicit knowledge sharing on financial and executive performance of tile and ceramic manufacturers, considering the mediating role of innovation speed and quality. To this end, 150...