Now showing items 1-10 of 139
Lower semiquadratic copulas with a given diagonal section
Some new results on the empirical copula estimator with applications
A sufficient condition of crossing type for the bivariate orthant convex order
Some bivariate distributions:Construction and Properties
In this paper,we construct some families of bivariate distributions.Moreover,dependence structure,
reliability properties and corresponding copula functions of these families of bivariate distributions are
Archimedean copulas: constructions and properties
Archimedean copulas are one of the most popular models used in finance, hydrology, etc. The construction of these models are of a
great importance due to their flexible dependence structure. Several methods of producing these families have...
Copula selection for graphical models in continuous Estimation of Distribution Algorithms
Parameter estimation of bivariate distributions in presence of outliers: an application to FGM copula
Existing outliers always make it difficult to estimate the dependence parameter of bivariate variables. Parameter estimation plays a major role in statistical inference and applied statistics. Bivariate copula is one of the effective tool to study...
A generalized bivariate lifetime distribution based on parallel-series structures
connected in series. The probability that one system fails before the other one is measured by using competing risks. Using the extreme-value copulas, the dependence structure of the proposed model is studied. Kendall\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s tau...
The most Tsallis entropy copula
Maximum entropy distribution is can be estimated based on some proper intended constraints. It is unbiased and unique on some constraints and is used to
find out the distribution of data. Entropy principle can be added to copula concept...