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contributor authorChih-Kuo Tseng
contributor authorKu-Hung Chen
contributor authorWei-Ting Chen
contributor authorLee, Ming-Chang M.
contributor authorNa, Neil
date accessioned2020-03-12T18:41:55Z
date available2020-03-12T18:41:55Z
date issued2014
identifier issn1041-1135
identifier other6718022.pdf
identifier uri
titleA High-Speed and Low-Breakdown-Voltage Silicon Avalanche Photodetector
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8001222
subject keywordsavalanche breakdown
subject keywordsavalanche photodiodes
subject keywordslaser beams
subject keywordsoptical receivers
subject keywordsp-i-n photodiodes
subject keywordsphotodetectors
subject keywordssilicon
subject keywordsSi
subject keywordsZener tunneling process
subject keywordsavalanche breakdown
subject keywordsbandwidth 10 GHz
subject keywordsbit rate 10 Gbit/s
subject keywordsdark current
subject keywordshigh-speed optical receiver application
subject keywordshigh-speed silicon avalanche photodetector
subject keywordsinterdigitated p-i-n junctions
subject keywordsintrinsic bandwidth
subject keywordsintrinsic layer width
subject keywordslaser illumination
subject keywordslow-breakdown-voltage silicon avalanche photodetector
subject keywordsperformance degradation
subject keywordsphysical limit
subject keywordsr
identifier doi10.1109/LPT.2014.2300853
journal titlePhotonics Technology Letters, IEEE
journal volume26
journal issue6

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