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contributor authorZhang Xueguang
contributor authorZhang Wenjie
contributor authorChen Jiaming
contributor authorXu Dianguo
date accessioned2020-03-12T18:41:39Z
date available2020-03-12T18:41:39Z
date issued2014
identifier issn0885-8969
identifier other6717016.pdf
identifier uri
titleDeadbeat Control Strategy of Circulating Currents in Parallel Connection System of Three-Phase PWM Converter
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8001039
subject keywordsPWM power convertors
subject keywordselectric current control
subject keywordscirculating currents problem
subject keywordsdeadbeat circuiting currents control method
subject keywordsdeadbeat control strategy
subject keywordsmodule parallel connection
subject keywordsparallel connection system
subject keywordspower loss
subject keywordsspace-vector pulse width modulation
subject keywordsthree phase PWM converter
subject keywordsvoltage zero vector
subject keywordsInductors
subject keywordsMathematical model
subject keywordsPulse width modulation converters
subject keywordsSpace vector pulse width modulation
subject keywordsVectors
subject keywordsCircuiting currents control
subject keywordsdeadbeat control
subject keywordsmodule parallel connection
subject keywordsthree-phas
identifier doi10.1109/TEC.2014.2297994
journal titleEnergy Conversion, IEEE Transactions on
journal volume29
journal issue2

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