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date accessioned2020-03-11T01:26:54Z
date available2020-03-11T01:26:54Z
date issued2013
identifier issn1944-8007
identifier otherGRL20130801523.pdf
identifier uri
titleAn interpretation of tsunami earthquake based on a simple dynamic model: Failure of shallow megathrust earthquake
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid2397672
subject keywordsThe 2011 Tohoku earthquake
subject keywordstsunami earthquake
subject keywordsmegathrust earthquake
subject keywordsdynamic rupture simulation
subject keywordsthermal pressurization
subject keywordsnumerical experiment
subject keywords7290 Computational seismology
subject keywords7240 Subduction zones
subject keywords7209 Earthquake dynamics
subject keywords8034 Rheology and friction of fault zones
subject keywords8135 Hydrothermal systems
identifier doi10.1002/grl.50266
journal titleGeophysical Research Letters
journal volume40
journal issue8

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