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contributor authorمهسا ناجی پورen
contributor authorS. Karandishen
contributor authorA. Mohagheghien
contributor authorعلی دشتیen
contributor authormahsa najipoorfa
contributor authorS. Karandishfa
contributor authorA. Mohagheghifa
contributor authorAli Dashtifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T14:28:27Z
date available2020-06-06T14:28:27Z
date copyright5/6/2018
date issued2018
identifier uri
description abstractElastomers used in gas transmission field such as seals, diaphragms, O-rings and sleeves are very important pieces which may be damaged in operating conditions. According to ISO 23936-2 standard, O-ring specimen is applied for RGD test but preparation of O-ring from final product is impossible in most cases. In this study, the RGD test implementing by using easily prepared Ring-type specimens from NBR vulcanizates were investigated. The new Ring-type specimen had similar dimentions to standard 312 O-ring. The RGD test was modified to 80 0C and 80 bar according to real operational conditions. Results showed that Ring-type specimens had higher RGD rating and cosequently more damages than O-ring ones. Furthermore, more conservative results were obtained for Ring-type samples. The Ring-type geometry was specified as an appropriate alternative specimen for RGD testing due to simple and easy preparation from final rubber product. The new Ring-type was applied successfully as test specimen in the RGD test for rubber sleeves in gas transmission fields.en
titleApplication of a New Specimen Geometry on Rapid Gas Decompression (RGD) Testen
typeConference Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsRGDen
subject keywordsSpecimen geometryen
subject keywordsRing-typeen
subject keywordsNBRen
subject keywordsElastomer producten
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identifier articleid1069088

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