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contributor authorمهسا خراسانیen
contributor authorسیدحمید سجادیen
contributor authorفائزه رمضانیen
contributor authorفائزه انسانen
contributor authormahsa khorasanifa
contributor authorHamid Sajjadifa
contributor authorfaeze ramezanifa
contributor authorF Ensanfa
date accessioned2020-06-06T14:25:04Z
date available2020-06-06T14:25:04Z
date copyright11/10/2016
date issued2016
identifier uri
description abstractThis report presents a description of the context-based recommender system that

was developed by the FUM-IR team from the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad for

the Contextual Suggestion track of TREC 2016. This will also include the description

of the different runs were submitted to this track. In developing our system, we

followed two main approaches for finding suitable attractions for a given user: a

content-based approach and a category-based approach.
titleA Context Based Recommender System through Collaborative Filtering and Word Embedding Techniquesen
typeConference Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsRecommender systemsen
subject keywordscontext baseden
subject keywordsWord embeddingen
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conference titleTREC 2016en
conference locationواشنگتنfa
identifier articleid1062204

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