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contributor authorمحمد ایزدیارen
contributor authorاعظم جم سازen
contributor authorالهه کفشدارگوهرشادیen
contributor authorMohammad Izadyarfa
contributor authorAzam Jamsazfa
contributor authorElaheh Kafshdare Goharshadifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T14:06:52Z
date available2020-06-06T14:06:52Z
date copyright9/6/2012
date issued2012
identifier uri
description abstractDOS comparisons of the WO3 before and after NO2 adsorption shows that the most obvious change is that all bands shift towards low energies after adsorption, leading to the partial filling of the conduction band maximum(CBM). DOS analysis suggests that the new occupied electronic states involve mainly 5d states of W with slight 2p states of O.en
titleDOS Spectra and NBO Analysis of the NO2Surface Interactions on the Cyclic (WO3)n (n=2-6) Nano-Clustersen
typeConference Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsDensity of States (DOS)en
subject keywordsWO3en
subject keywordsAdsorptionen
subject keywordsNO2en
subject keywordsQuantum computationsen
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conference title15th Iranian Physical Chemistry Conferenceen
conference locationTehranfa
identifier articleid1029512

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