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contributor authorVahdati, Gen
contributor authorYaghoubi, M.en
contributor authorM, Poostchien
contributor authorمحمدباقر نقیبی سیستانیen
contributor authorMohammad Bagher Naghibi Sistanifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T14:00:40Z
date available2020-06-06T14:00:40Z
date copyright12/4/2009
date issued2009
identifier uri
description abstractThis paper proposes a new solution for Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP), using genetic algorithm. A heuristic crossover and mutation operation have been proposed to prevent premature convergence. Presented operations try not only to solve this challenge by means of a heuristic function but also considerably accelerate the speed of convergence by reducing excessively the number of generations. By considering TSP\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s evaluation function, as a traveled route among all n cities, the probability of crossover and mutation have been adaptively and nonlinearly tuned. Experimental results demonstrate that proposed algorithm due to the heuristic performance is not easily getting stuck in local optima and has a reasonable convergent speed to reach the global optimal solution. Besides, implementation of the algorithm does not have any complexities.en
titleA new approach to solve traveling salesman problem using genetic algorithm based on heuristic crossover and mutation operatoren
typeConference Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsFitness functionen
subject keywordsGenetic algorithmen
subject keywordsHeuristic crossoveren
subject keywordsMutationen
subject keywordsTraveling salesman problemen
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conference titleInternational Conference on Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition, SoCPaR 2009en
conference locationMalaccafa
identifier articleid1020301

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