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contributor authorسیده رقیه نورانی جور جادهen
contributor authorعلی مشهدیen
contributor authorزهرا طبیبیen
contributor authorsr nooranifa
contributor authorAli Mashhadifa
contributor authorZahra Tabibifa
contributor authorF. Kheirkhahfa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:39:50Z
date available2020-06-06T13:39:50Z
date issued2018
identifier uri
description abstractAttention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neuro-

developmental disorder which was diagnosed by three features

including: attention deficit, hyperactivity and impulsivity. This

study aimed to determine the effect of executive function training

based on daily life on reducing symptoms and improving adaptive

skills in children with ADHD. 16 children aged 7-10 years old

with ADHD were selected by random sampling method from

clients of the department of psychiatry in Babol hospital and were

divided randomly into experimental and control groups (n=8).

Subjects were assessed in two steps at pretest and posttest by

SNAP-IV and Barkley Functional Impairment Scale Children

and Adolescents (BFIS-CA). The intervention group received 11

training sessions (1 hour in each session) with their mothers. The

research findings showed that subjects of the experimental group

had significant reduction in posttest scores of SNAP-IV scale

than the control group. Significant reduction was observed in the

scores of BFIS scale in the experimental group for both Home-

school impairment and Community-Leisure impairment subtests.

According to findings executive function training based on daily

life leads to reduce ADHD symptoms and improve adaptive skills

in children with ADHD. It is concluded that executive functions

training based on daily life for ease of use and the applicability of

its methods can be used in different situations such as home and

school for reducing symptoms and improving adaptive skills in

children with ADHD.
titleEffect of daily life executive functions training on symptoms and adaptive skills in children with attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorderen
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsADHDen
subject keywordsAdaptationen
subject keywordsExecutiveen
subject keywordsFunctionen
subject keywordsPsychologicalen
journal titleJournal of Research and Healthfa
journal volume8
journal issue3
identifier link
identifier articleid1068185

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