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contributor authorاعظم سادات ایزیen
contributor authorبهرام صادق پور گیلدهen
contributor authorE. Monabbatien
contributor authorazamsadat eizifa
contributor authorBahram Sadeghpour Gildehfa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:37:49Z
date available2020-06-06T13:37:49Z
date issued2017
identifier uri
description abstractControl charts have been established as major tools for quality control and improvement in industry. Therefore, it is always required to consider an appropriate design of a control chart from an economical point of view before using the chart. The economic design of a control chart refers to the determination of three optimal control chart parameters: sample size, the sampling interval, and the control limits coefficient. In this article, the double sampling (DS) X¯ control chart is considered for the economic design using nonlinear mixed integer programming approach. The triple sampling (TS) X¯ control charts are developed for economic design based on the results of solving the DS X¯ chart design problems. In this model, we assume that the process must be shut down during the search for the assignable cause. Multiple sampling X¯ charts can be designed for quick detection of a small shift in process. The results of the comparison between the economic-statistical design of DS and TS X¯ control charts show that TS X¯ control charts are more efficient in terms of minimizing the average sample size, but its expected average cost takes larger values.en
titleComparison Between the Economic-Statistical Design of Double and Triple Sampling X¯ Control Chartsen
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsDouble Sampling X¯Control Charten
subject keywordsTriple Sampling X¯Control Charten
subject keywordsPanagos’s Cost Modelen
subject keywords

Economic Design
journal titleStochastics and Quality Controlfa
journal volume32
journal issue1
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identifier articleid1065838

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