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contributor authorمهدی طالب پورen
contributor authorمجتبی امیریen
contributor authorمهری رحمانیen
contributor authorMahdi Talebpourfa
contributor authorMehri Rahmanifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:34:29Z
date available2020-06-06T13:34:29Z
date issued2017
identifier uri
description abstractThe aim of this study was to design a model of academic sports performance management by combining balanced scorecard (BSC) and EFQM excellence model using QFD technique. The study was a qualitative, applied and descriptive study according to the type of research and the subject matter that the required data have gathered through documentary and field methods. The population included the managers, officials and the professors of physical education colleges and universities of Tehran city that 75 experts were selected in the random clustering method as the sample. The data collection tool were four questionnaires that the first and second questionnaires were designed to evaluate the reliability and validity of strategic objectives with the BSC approach, respectively Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the questionnaires was equal with 89 percent. Third and fourth questionnaires were designed for mapping the strategies and determining the relationship between the BSC objectives and EFQM criteria by using QFD matrix. The questionnaires were placed at the disposal of the experts. The geometric mean was calculated after collecting the data. Finally, the strategic objectives and the criteria to assess with the excellence model approach have been prioritized after data analysis which the objectives of "promoting scientific and experimental levels of coaches and experts" and "increasing the levels of physical & psychological health, joy and happiness and strengthening students’ abilities" among the beneficiaries objectives; the objectives of "improving the planning process, organizing and supervising on the academic sports activities" and "decentralization in the implementation and attracting universities in holding overall academic sports activities " among the internal process objectives; the objectives of "increasing the students' motivation and national commitment through sports programs" and "promoting information exchange and sports and scientific cooperation with organizations affiliated to physical education and sports affairs" among the growth and learning objectives and the objectives of "development of student sports associations and support and encouragement of active coaches and students" and "establishing a student sports coordinating committee" among the budget and facilities (financial) have been determined, respectively.en
titleDesigning a Model of Academic Sports Performance Management by Combining BSC and EFQM Excellence Model using QFD Techniqueen
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsPerformance Evaluationen
subject keywordsBalanced Score Carden
subject keywordsQuality Function Deploymenten
subject keywordsOrganizational Excellence Modelen
subject keywordsAcademic Sportsen
journal titleAnnals of Applied Sport Sciencefa
journal volume4
journal issue4
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identifier articleid1062339

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