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contributor authorمریم مهرنژادen
contributor authorعباس قائمی بافقیen
contributor authorاحد هراتیen
contributor authorEhsan Toreinien
contributor authorMaryam Mehrnejadfa
contributor authorAbbas Ghaemi Bafghifa
contributor authorAhad Haratifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:09:34Z
date available2020-06-06T13:09:34Z
date issued2012
identifier uri
description abstractAs protection of web applications are getting more and more important every day, CAPTCHAs are facing booming attention both by users and designers. Nowadays, it is well accepted that using visual concepts enhance security and usability of CAPTCHAs. There exist few major different ideas for designing image CAPTCHAs. Some methods apply a set of modifications such as rotations to the original image saved in the data base, to make the CAPTCHA more secure.

\t\t\t\t\tIn this paper, two different approaches for designing image based CAPTCHAs are introduced. The first one-which is called Tagging image CAPTCHA-is based on pre-tagged images, using geometric transformations to increase security, and the second approach tries to enhance the first one by eliminating the use of tags and relying on semantic visual concepts. In fact, recognition of upright orientation is used as a visual cue. The usability of the proposed approaches is verified using human subjects. An estimation of security is also obtained by different kinds of attacks. Further studies are done on the proposed transformations and also on the properness of each original image for each approach. Results suggest a practical Semantic Image CAPTCHA which is usable and secure compared to its peers.
titleSEIMCHA: A New Semantic Image CAPTCHA Using Geometric Transformationsen
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsComponenten
subject keywordsSEIMCHAen
subject keywordsSemantic Image CAPTCHAen
subject keywordsSecurityen
subject keywordsUsabilityen
subject keywordsGeometric Transformationen
subject keywordsUpright Orientationen
subject keywordsTagging Image CAPTCHAen
subject keywordsRandom Guessingen
journal titleISeCurefa
journal volume4
journal issue1
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identifier articleid1030071

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