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contributor authorروزبه شادen
contributor authorMohammad reza maleken
contributor authorMohammad saadi mesgarien
contributor authorAlireza vafaeinezhaden
contributor authorRouzbeh Shadfa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:06:24Z
date available2020-06-06T13:06:24Z
date issued2006
identifier uri
description abstractOne of the important mechanisms for representing topological relations between spatial objects is spatial topology. These relationships help us to model spatial relations between spatial objects in a simple and efficient manner. For achieving this goal there are some difficulties like; complexity of three dimensional relationships, fuzzy spatial properties of objects and dynamic relationships between them.

For example; suppose there is an air pollution cloud which is moving through a spatial area of an urban. This phenomenon can be defined as a 3D fuzzy object which each point on it has amount of membership value to the universal pollution set. Also, density of population can be defined as a 3D fuzzy object which each point of it has amount of membership value to the universal population density set in the urban area. Then both of them are 3D fuzzy objects and they have dynamic topological relationships which help urban managers and decision makers for solving some related problems such as; managing population distribution, controlling traffic, arranging health care decisions and controlling air pollution.

With respect to the above in this paper we try to check and complete our information about how we can define 3D fuzzy topological relations between two mentioned phenomena and propose an efficient method for modeling that in GIS environment. Then, we will be closer to 3D fuzzy modeling and designing fuzzy user interface. Finally, with creating a small knowledge base system we show a new horizontal for implementing this application on the spatial systems.
titleUsing 3D Fuzzy topological relationships for Checking of Spatial Relations between Dynamic Air Pollution Cloud and City Population Densityen
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsGIS - Fuzzy - 3D - Topology - Population density - Pollution Clouden
journal titleLecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartographyfa
journal volume4706
journal issue3
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identifier articleid1025667

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