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contributor authorTresvig, Johan Ludvig
contributor authorLindem, Torfnn
date accessioned2020-03-13T00:33:45Z
date available2020-03-13T00:33:45Z
date issued2014
identifier issn0885-8985
identifier other6992875.pdf
identifier uri
titleDesign of a Communication System for a Nanosatellite Space Weather Mission
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8334701
subject keywordssatellite communication
subject keywordsCubeSat standard
subject keywordsacademic community
subject keywordscommunication system design
subject keywordscost reduction
subject keywordsintegrated circuits
subject keywordsnanosatellite space weather mission
subject keywordsscientific community
subject keywordsAerospace control
subject keywordsAntenna measurements
subject keywordsBit error rate
subject keywordsCommunications systems
subject keywordsDesign methodology
subject keywordsNanotechnology
subject keywordsReceivers
subject keywordsSatellite broadcasting
subject keywordsSatellites
subject keywordsStandards
identifier doi10.1109/MAES.2014.130177
journal titleAerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, IEEE
journal volume29
journal issue11

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