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contributor authorSangeetha, R.G.
contributor authorChandra, Vishal
contributor authorChadha, D.
date accessioned2020-03-13T00:14:51Z
date available2020-03-13T00:14:51Z
date issued2014
identifier issn0733-8724
identifier other6861945.pdf
identifier uri
titleBidirectional Data Vortex Optical Interconnection Network: BER Performance by Hardware Simulation and Evaluation of Terminal Reliability
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8321934
subject keywordserror statistics
subject keywordsfault tolerance
subject keywordsmultistage interconnection networks
subject keywordsoptical fibre networks
subject keywordsoptical interconnections
subject keywordstelecommunication network reliability
subject keywordstelecommunication network routing
subject keywordstelecommunication terminals
subject keywordsBER performance
subject keywordsbidirectional architecture
subject keywordsbidirectional data vortex optical interconnection network
subject keywordscascaded nodes
subject keywordsdata flow
subject keywordsfault tolerance
subject keywordsforward direction
subject keywordshardware model
subject keywordshardware simulation
subject keywordsinput power
subject keywordsmultistage interconnection network
subject keywordspacket routing
subject keywordsrevers
identifier doi10.1109/JLT.2014.2341735
journal titleLightwave Technology, Journal of
journal volume32
journal issue19

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