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contributor authorGomez Má
contributor authorrmol, Fé
contributor authorlix
contributor authorRozinaj, Gregor
contributor authorSchumann, S.
contributor authorLá
contributor authorbaj, Ondrej
contributor authorKac̆
contributor authorur, Juraj
date accessioned2020-03-13T00:09:44Z
date available2020-03-13T00:09:44Z
date issued2014
identifier issn0018-9162
identifier other6838874.pdf
identifier uri
titleSmart AppStore: Expanding the Frontiers of Smartphone Ecosystems
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8318352
subject keywordsauthorisation
subject keywordsbiometrics (access control)
subject keywordsgesture recognition
subject keywordssmart phones
subject keywordsSmart AppStore
subject keywordsWeb extra
subject keywordsbiometric authentication
subject keywordsgesture recognition
subject keywordsidentity management
subject keywordsmultilevel authorization
subject keywordsnavigation
subject keywordssmart phone ecosystems
subject keywordssmart phone users
subject keywordsuser-tailored reputation scores
subject keywordsAuthentication
subject keywordsAuthorization
subject keywordsBiometrics
subject keywordsContext awareness
subject keywordsFace recognition
subject keywordsIris recognition
subject keywordsSmart phones
subject keywordsTV
subject keywordsHBB-Next
subject keywordsSmart AppStore
subject keywordsbiometric authentication
subject keywordsmobile
subject keywordsmobile applications
subject keywordsmobile security
identifier doi10.1109/MC.2014.166
journal titleComputer
journal volume47
journal issue6

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