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contributor authorMurphy, R.
contributor authorTorres, Ricardo
contributor authorRayas-Sanchez, J.E.
contributor authorReynoso, Apolinar
contributor authordel Carmen Maya-Sá
contributor authornchez, Marí
contributor authora
contributor authorHenze, A.
contributor authorZozaya, Alfonso
contributor authorDel Pino, Paulino
contributor authorPeñ
contributor authora, Jose Bernardo
contributor authorRafael-Valdivia, G.
date accessioned2020-03-12T23:55:45Z
date available2020-03-12T23:55:45Z
date issued2014
identifier issn1527-3342
identifier other6782376.pdf
identifier uri
titleR&D in Latin America: RF and Microwave Research in Latin America
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8308548
subject keywordsmicrowave technology
subject keywordsradioastronomy
subject keywordsresearch and development
subject keywordsLatin America
subject keywordsRF research
subject keywordsmicrowave research
subject keywordsresearch and development
subject keywordsLatin America
subject keywordsMicrowave communication
subject keywordsMicrowave technology
subject keywordsResearch and development
identifier doi10.1109/MMM.2014.2302660
journal titleMicrowave Magazine, IEEE
journal volume15
journal issue3

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