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contributor authorGuang Wu
contributor authorYifan Chen
contributor authorRui Wang
contributor authorZhongwen Li
date accessioned2020-03-12T22:55:10Z
date available2020-03-12T22:55:10Z
date issued2014
identifier other7029887.pdf
identifier uri
titleLocalization error minimization method with Regulated Neighborhood Distance
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8240664
subject keywordsembedded systems
subject keywordsn multi-threading
subject keywordsn multiprocessing systems
subject keywordsn parallel processing
subject keywordsn program diagnostics
subject keywordsn WCET
subject keywordsn embedded hard real-time systems
subject keywordsn manycore processor
subject keywordsn multiprocessor
subject keywordsn parallel applications
subject keywordsn parallel design pattern
subject keywordsn parallel multithreaded application
subject keywordsn static timing analysis
subject keywordsn structured parallelism
subject keywordsn timing guarantees
subject keywordsn worst-case execution time
subject keywordsn Message systems
subject keywordsn Parallel processing
subject keywordsn Pipelines
subject keywordsn Real-time systems
identifier doi10.1109/RTCSA.2014.6910546
journal titleonsumer Electronics - China, 2014 IEEE International Conference on

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