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contributor authorDeMeo, D.
contributor authorMorena, M.
date accessioned2020-03-12T22:43:31Z
date available2020-03-12T22:43:31Z
date issued2014
identifier other7021149.pdf
identifier uri
titleMedication adherence using a smart pill bottle
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8231579
subject keywordsantenna arrays
subject keywordsn mathematical analysis
subject keywordsn scanning antennas
subject keywordsn electrodynamical models
subject keywordsn mathematical models
subject keywordsn on-board wide angle scanning antenna array
subject keywordsn Antenna radiation patterns
subject keywordsn Arrays
subject keywordsn Broadband antennas
subject keywordsn Microwave antenna arrays
subject keywordsn Phased arrays
subject keywordsn circular antenna arrays
subject keywordsn monopulse operation mode
subject keywordsn side lobe level
subject keywordsn wide angle scanning
identifier doi10.1109/EuCAP.2014.6902149
journal titlemerging Technologies for a Smarter World (CEWIT), 2014 11th International Conference & Expo

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