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contributor authorBowen Zhao
contributor authorLiu Mei
contributor authorXi Lu
contributor authorChenlei Li
contributor authorPengfei Wang
date accessioned2020-03-12T22:34:13Z
date available2020-03-12T22:34:13Z
date issued2014
identifier other7015023.pdf
identifier uri
titleHigh resolution imaging on distributed SAR using joint space-time-frequency method
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8225192
subject keywordssoftware fault tolerance
subject keywordsn software maintenance
subject keywordsn storage management
subject keywordsn Coop repair mechanism
subject keywordsn Noop repair mechanism
subject keywordsn code based distributed storage system
subject keywordsn decentralized erasure codes
subject keywordsn erasure codes
subject keywordsn fault-tolerance
subject keywordsn low connection cost
subject keywordsn reliable repair mechanism
subject keywordsn Analytical models
subject keywordsn Data models
subject keywordsn Encryption
subject keywordsn Maintenance engineering
subject keywordsn Mathematical model
subject keywordsn Reliability
subject keywordsn Servers
subject keywordsn Erasure codes
subject keywordsn code based distributed storage syste
identifier doi10.1109/SERE.2014.37
journal titleignal Processing (ICSP), 2014 12th International Conference on

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