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contributor authorToki, E.I.
contributor authorTafiadis, D.C.
date accessioned2020-03-12T22:28:04Z
date available2020-03-12T22:28:04Z
date issued2014
identifier other7011165.pdf
identifier uri
titleIdentification of plagiarism by Greek higher education students. Do I cheat?
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8221262
subject keywordsdata handling
subject keywordsn feature selection
subject keywordsn learning (artificial intelligence)
subject keywordsn pattern classification
subject keywordsn vectors
subject keywordsn &
subject keywords#x00A3
subject keywordsi-norm regularization
subject keywordsn binary classification task
subject keywordsn binary feature selection framework
subject keywordsn kernel spaces
subject keywordsn manifold regularization technique
subject keywordsn normal vector
subject keywordsn semi supervised feature selection
subject keywordsn Accuracy
subject keywordsn Kernel
subject keywordsn Manifolds
subject keywordsn Redundancy
subject keywordsn Robustness
subject keywordsn Support vector machines
subject keywordsn Vectors
identifier doi10.1109/IJCNN.2014.6889639
journal titlenteractive Mobile Communication Technologies and Learning (IMCL), 2014 International Conference on

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