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contributor authorLi, Yongming
contributor authorLi, Tieshan
date accessioned2020-03-12T22:27:26Z
date available2020-03-12T22:27:26Z
date issued2014
identifier other7010282.pdf
identifier uri
titleAdaptive FNN dynamic surface control for MIMO pure-feedback nonlinear systems with unknown backlash-like hysteresis
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8220861
subject keywordscomputational geometry
subject keywordsn image enhancement
subject keywordsn image reconstruction
subject keywordsn image resolution
subject keywordsn mean square error methods
subject keywordsn transforms
subject keywordsn video coding
subject keywordsn Euclid distance
subject keywordsn bottom-up mechanism
subject keywordsn complex computation procedure
subject keywordsn image enhancement
subject keywordsn image processing
subject keywordsn image quality assessment
subject keywordsn image reconstruction
subject keywordsn log based perceptual response domain
subject keywordsn mean squared error
subject keywordsn neighboring pixels
subject keywordsn nonlinear normalization procedure
subject keywordsn top-down functional model
identifier doi10.1109/ChinaSIP.2014.6889255
journal titlentelligent Control and Information Processing (ICICIP), 2014 Fifth International Conference on

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