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contributor authorPearlman, Jay
contributor authorWilliams, Albert
contributor authorYoder, James
contributor authorGallagher, James
date accessioned2020-03-12T22:19:25Z
date available2020-03-12T22:19:25Z
date issued2014
identifier other7003148.pdf
identifier uri
titleA research coordination network for ocean observations
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8215358
subject keywordselectronic engineering computing
subject keywordsn integrated circuit reliability
subject keywordsn learning (artificial intelligence)
subject keywordsn microprocessor chips
subject keywordsn multiprocessing systems
subject keywordsn thermal management (packaging)
subject keywordsn CPU frequency
subject keywordsn adaptive thermal management
subject keywordsn affinity masks
subject keywordsn average temperature minimization
subject keywordsn in-kernel governor
subject keywordsn interapplication thermal optimization
subject keywordsn intraapplication thermal optimization
subject keywordsn lifetime reliability
subject keywordsn mean-time-to-failure improvement
subject keywordsn multicore s
identifier doi10.1145/2593069.2593199
journal titleceans - St. John's, 2014

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