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contributor authorPeng, Chih-Hsiang
contributor authorChou, Chih-Hung
contributor authorKuan, Ta-Wen
contributor authorLin, Po-Chuan
contributor authorWang, Jhing-Fa
contributor authorYu, Pen-Yuan
date accessioned2020-03-12T21:44:48Z
date available2020-03-12T21:44:48Z
date issued2014
identifier other6956624.pdf
identifier uri
titleAn automatic speaker-speech recognition system for friendly HMI based on binary halved clustering
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8190445
subject keywordsInternet
subject keywordsn jitter
subject keywordsn public domain software
subject keywordsn radio spectrum management
subject keywordsn time division multiple access
subject keywordsn FRACTEL
subject keywordsn ROSALNet
subject keywordsn TV white spaces
subject keywordsn TVWS
subject keywordsn WiFi-based wireless networks
subject keywordsn bit rate 11 Mbit/s
subject keywordsn broadband Internet connectivity
subject keywordsn commodity hardware
subject keywordsn frequency 2.4 GHz
subject keywordsn low jitter
subject keywordsn low-latency
subject keywordsn open-source OpenWrt operating system
subject keywordsn rural Internet connectivity
subject keywordsn signal propagation
subject keywordsn single mesh node
subject keywordsn spectrum aware TDMA mesh n
identifier doi10.1109/NCC.2014.6811313
journal titlerange Technologies (ICOT), 2014 IEEE International Conference on

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