نمایش تعداد 1-9 از 9
Estimation of 2006 Northern Hemisphere contrail coverage using MODIS data
ناشر: Wiley
سال: 2013
On the radiative forcing of contrail cirrus contaminated by black carbon
ناشر: Wiley
سال: 2013
Linear contrail and contrail cirrus properties determined from satellite data
ناشر: Wiley
سال: 2013
Contrail ice particles in aircraft wakes and their climatic importance
ناشر: Wiley
سال: 2013
In situ measurements of ice saturation in young contrails
ناشر: American Geophysical Union
سال: 2014
Contrail radiative forcing over the Northern Hemisphere from 2006 Aqua MODIS data
ناشر: Wiley
سال: 2013
The seasonal variation of the CO2 flux over Tropical Asia estimated from GOSAT, CONTRAIL, and IASI
ناشر: American Geophysical Union
سال: 2014
Contrail: Decentralized and Privacy-Preserving Social Networks on Smartphones
ناشر: IEEE
سال: 2014