نمایش تعداد 1-10 از 20
Investigatig the presence of functional RNAi system in Trichomonas vaginalis by targeting cp12
, that are involved in parasite's virulence and pathogenesis. Cysteine proteinases
12 (CP12), from papain-like CP family, has potential roles in pathogenesis of TV.
RNA interference (RNAi) is a biological process in which RNA molecules inhibit gene...
Potent Dystrophin Knockdown in vitro and in vivo using RNAi Technology and Expression Signature of Myotubes with dystrophin Knocked down
dystrophic pathology might pave the way for the discovery of new starting points. Here we present a strategy to use RNAi technology to study the events occurring in muscle cell development due to dystrophin deficiency. RNAi has been proven to be a powerful...
Potent Dystrophin Knockdown in vitro and in vivo and transcriptomic evaluation of dystrophin deficiency
لطفا صفحه دو از فایل پیوست را ملاحظه فرمایند
Developmemnt of RNAi technique to Study DMD Molecular pathology
لطفا صفحه دو از فایل پیوست ملاحظه گردد
The RNAi System and Its Applications
RNA interference (RNAi) is a well conserved process that exists in various organisms from Fungi to plants and mammals. This phenomenon was first encountered in plants and fungi where the researchers noticed that over-expression of certain genes...