نمایش تعداد 1-10 از 69
MCMC strategies for a Bayesian analysis of reaction norm models with unknown covariates
The performance of three versions of the Gibbs sampling algorithm, and of two versions of the Langevin-Hastings algorithm were studied in a specific application involving an analysis of a reaction norm model. Two datasets ...
Identifiability of parameters and behaviour of MCMC chains: a case study using the reaction norm model
Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) enables fitting complex hierarchical models that may adequately reflect the process of data generation. Some of these models may contain more parameters than can be uniquely inferred from the distribution of the data...
Proposal adaptation in simulated annealing for continuous optimization problems
Improved Bayesian inference for the stochastic block model with application to large networks
Convergence bound in total variation for an image restoration model
Bayesian shape analysis of the complex Bingham distribution
Efficiency of alternative MCMC strategies illustrated using the reaction norm model
The Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) strategy provides remarkable flexibility for fitting complex hierarchical models. However, when parameters are highly correlated in their posterior distributions and their number is large, a particular MCMC...