نمایش تعداد 1-10 از 109
Cellular differentiation hierarchies in normal and culture-adapted numan embryonic stem cells
cells partially reflected their aberrant karyotype, but also resulted from a failure in X-inactivation, emphasizing
the importance in adaptation of karyotypically silent epigenetic changes. On the basis of growth potential,
ability to re-initiate ES...
A preliminary study on the protein profile of Marshallagia marshalli
/secretory (E/S) products.
Adult worms of M. marshalli were collected from the abomasum and were washed several times in PBS. Then living and highly motile worms were incubated in medium culture under 37°C, 5% co2 and humid air. The medium supernatants...
Anti inflammatory potentials of Excretory/Secretory (ES) and somatic products of Marshallagia marshalli in allergic airway inflammation in BALB/C mice
immunoregulatory responses has already been documented in several experimental studies.
This study was designed to investigate whether Excretory/Secretory (ES) and somatic products of Marshallagiamarshallimodulate the development of ovalbumin-induced airway...