نمایش تعداد 1-10 از 12
Multicycle ensemble forecasting of sea surface temperature
ناشر: Wiley
سال: 2013
Limitations of the potential predictability of meridional mass and heat transports in the North Atlantic
ناشر: American Geophysical Union
سال: 2014
Improved forecast skill in the tropics in the new MiKlip decadal climate predictions
ناشر: Wiley
سال: 2013
Origins of heat and freshwater anomalies underlying regional decadal sea level trends
ناشر: Wiley
سال: 2013
Multiyear predictability of the North Atlantic subpolar gyre
ناشر: Wiley
سال: 2013
Potential of equatorial Atlantic variability to enhance El Niأ±o prediction
ناشر: Wiley
سال: 2013
Eddy impacts on the Florida Current
ناشر: Wiley
سال: 2013
Seasonal to interannual Arctic sea ice predictability in current global climate models
ناشر: American Geophysical Union
سال: 2014
Stochastic forcing of north tropical Atlantic sea surface temperatures by the North Atlantic Oscillation
ناشر: American Geophysical Union
سال: 2014
Will Arctic sea ice thickness initialization improve seasonal forecast skill?
ناشر: American Geophysical Union
سال: 2014