Now showing items 1-10 of 205
Effect of climatological factors on airborne dust fallout rate in Khorasan Razavi Province, Northeast Iran
One of the most important characteristics of airborne dust is the
amount of dust fallout rate deposited in the region. During the past decade,
increasing awareness of the human health hazards posed by dust in Iran has
Statistical evaluation of the dust events at selected stations in Southwest Asia: From the Caspian Sea to the Arabian Sea
The central and southwest Asia is usually suffered by dust events of various intensity due to extended arid/desert regions and, therefore, the statistical evaluation of the dust activity over the region has received an increasing interest...
Atmospheric dynamics, properties and transportation of dust storms over the southwest Asia (From the Caspian Sea to the Arabian Sea)
Dust life cycle (emission, transport and deposition) is strongly interlinked with atmospheric circulation and limate dynamics. This work focuses on dust (storm) properties and examining their dynamic meteorological conditions with trans...
Solitary waves in dusty plasmas with variable dust charge and nonthermal ions
Dust acoustic solitary waves have been studied in dusty plasma consisting of nonthermal ions, electrons and variable charge dust grains. It is shown that amplitude of solitary waves of Kadomstev-Petviashvili equation becomes diverges at the critical...
Solitary waves in dusty plasmas with variable dust charge and two temperature ions
Propagation of nonlinear waves in dusty plasmas with variable dust charge and two temperature
ions is analyzed. The Kadomtsev–Petviashivili (KP) equation is derived by using the reductive perturbation theory. A Sagdeev potential...
The Role of the Intertropical Discontinuity Region and the Heat Low in Dust Emission and Transport Over the Thar Desert, India: A Premonsoon Case Study
A severe dust storm occurred over north India during 12–16 June 2018 is analyzed using satellite observations, reanalysis, ground‐based measurements, and model (Meso‐NH) simulations focusing on the dynamic processes that caused the dust...
Satellite observations of mineral dust in the Sistan region
Investigate dust emission and transport in Sistan with special interest on the role of synoptic/local atmospheric dynamics. Climatological analysis of desert dust satellite retrievals in the Sistan region, especially MODIS/Aqua Dark Target Deep blue...
Interplanetary and interstellar dust observed by the Wind/WAVES electric field instrument
Large amplitude dust ion acoustic solitons: considering dust polarity and nonextensive electrons
The characteristics of arbitrary amplitude dust ion acoustic solitary waves
(DIASWs) are studied in unmagnetized dusty plasmas whose constituents are cold
uid ions, nonextensive electrons and stationary negative/positive dust particles...