Now showing items 1-10 of 24
Cost Management of Urban Street Lighting Using GIS and VB.NET (Case Study: City Sultanabad)
collected over a period of four months, then using Arc GIS 9.3 software system to record, process, and analyze location data reference was incorporated.The system was developed using Visual Basic programming language to be specific capabilities. Finally...
Effects of high-K dielectrics with metal gate for electrical characteristics of 18nm NMOS device
Protocol and interactive routine for the design of subsurface bioreactors
Management Cost Collected Urban Runoff Projects Using Gis-Shirvan Study Area
were collected in a six month period, then the system using Arc GIS 9.3 software to record, process, integrate and analyze data was a reference location. System development using Visual Basic programming language was designed for a specific...
Executive Management and Construction Cost of Collection and Disposal of Surface Water Projects Using Visual Basic Programming Language Geographic Information System
water from the Visual Basic programming language to develop system software Arc GIS 9.3 is used. The efficiency of the system with the extended spatial information about its role in the implementation of management plans for surface water collection...