Now showing items 1-4 of 4
The role of Metacognition on effect of Working Memory Capacity on students' mathematical problem solving
. Moreover, in each group of low/high metacognition,
low/high math attention, and low/high math anxiety, the students with high WMC showed
better mathematical performance than low WMC ones. The findings of the study are suitable
A predictive model for mathematical performance of blind and seeing students
more positive attitude toward math than blind students. But there was no significant difference between blind and seeing student in working memory capacity and math anxiety. These findings could help provide some practical implications for improving...
A Psychological Model for Mathematical Problem Solving based on Revised Bloom Taxonomy for High School Girl Students
The main objective of this study is to explore the relationship between psychological fac-tors (i.e. math anxiety, attention, attitude, Working Memory Capacity (WMC), and Field dependency) and students’ mathematics problem solving based on Revised...